Bombuzal from 1989 is a Top-down perspective game released by Tony Love. If you want to play this game, click here.
Bombuzal description
Puzzle with amazing concept – we have to play a pyromaniac (one can imagine that this is the "mad midnight bomber"), which set off bombs on the Islands.
The point of the game is to blow up all the bombs on the level, not suffering himself, only if all bombs in the level is destroyed, it is passed. The playfield is divided into cells, most of the cells blue is water, if to advance, there will be death. Green cells – the surface of the island. We start with the only completely safe and empty cells. In order to survive, we need to take the bomb to light it – click the button "Fire", standing on the cage with a bomb, and hold it while counting digits; as soon as it is finished – move to a empty cell, so we will not perish (while we're on the cell with the bomb lit, it will never blow); the bomb explosion will destroy the cell - of course, if a normal bomb, the radius of which is one cell; you need to keep in mind what if we moved to a cell with an unlit bomb, it will be destroyed too (along with us). Then continue the same way.
There are different types of bombs in the first place in size, and often to blast a big bomb with a huge blast radius, you have to blow up first a small bomb to cause the kind of chain reaction. Then added, far more terrible things – mines that can be destroyed only from a distance.
Some cells are booby trapped: cracked cells falling under our hero (or rather, pass through it, but immediately afterwards it will disappear), moving bombs, "ice" cages, which you can not step, the cells with the rotating fans (beat ago trying to approach them) and so on. It is logical that the higher the level, the such unpleasant surprises, only more, so the game soon becomes quite heavy at the first level, there are only cracked cells. But then there will be cells which you can move bombs.
Each of the levels of fierce, monstrous way time limited. Graphics from the category of timeless, very cute (especially the main character is simply matchless creature!), and the main surprise – the ability to choose between 2D - and 3D-view of the playing field. In 3D it looks incredible, but to play so much harder.
Verdict – one of the most difficult and "nerve" of puzzles because I know, but why-that strongly attracts attention and literally forcing to go back to it again and again. But for entertainment not suitable for serious development.
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Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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