Eggman in Sonic 1

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4.0 /5

Eggman in Sonic 1 game description

Due to Eggman's larger sprites, the mappings and collision engine were rewritten from scratch, and Eggman also jumps at the same height and runs at the same speed, above and below water. As a result, Eggman cannot collect rings, open item boxes, destroy enemies, be hurt by objects or drown—the only way to kill Eggman is by landing on spikes, getting crushed, or falling off the screen (all three of which require a reset). Because of this, the hack is little more than a novelty, but is an impressive one nonetheless. Eggman can't use debug mode either, but Level Select still works. Also the Special Stages are unchanged, as Eggman can't enter Special Stages from the main game.

Completable Zones

Due to the larger size of the sprite and the weird collision detection, Eggman can only complete certain levels. Many levels have had their layouts edited just so Eggman can complete them. These levels are:

  • Green Hill Zone
  • Marble Zone Act 1
  • Spring Yard Zone Act 2
  • Labyrinth Zone Acts 1+3
  • Star Light Zone Acts 2+3 (Boss is not completable)
  • Scrap Brain Zone Act 1+2

Play Eggman in Sonic 1 online

You can play Eggman in Sonic 1 online here, in web browser for free!

Not sure how to pass your time, why not play our classic videogame Eggman in Sonic 1 online? And the best part, it is for free!

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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