Mario Bros.

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3.1 /5

The famous developer Nintendo of America Inc. developed a Action game called Mario Bros. in 1986. You can play this Side view perspective game online now.

Mario Bros. (NES) game description

Mario and Luigi, the best plumbers in the world, have a real job on their hands. A host of characters have taken over the sewers, and the brothers must clear them out of the pipes.

The platform puzzle which first introduced Luigi to the world has both single and multiplayer action with two differing game types, but with the same objective. Crabs, turtles and fighter flies must be cleared out by jumping underneath the platform they sit on, then kicking them away. Each level is cleared when a set number of coins is collected.

For the two player mode, the first to collect the set amount of coins wins.

Play your favorite childhood game Mario Bros. online in your browser for free here.

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  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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