Despite the defeat of a powerful Maverick leader, Mega Man X (now the leader of the Maverick Hunters) keeps fighting new Mavericks (including the powerful "X-Hunters") while searching for the whereabouts of Zero in the second installment of the Mega Man X series.

Sigma, the leader of the Maverick army, was destroyed when he underestimated his opponent: a lone warrior, awakened into a time he never knew…X. Play Mega Man X2 online!

6 months had passed, and X rose to the rank of leader of the Maverick Hunters. His first task was to eliminate the last of the Mavericks. But as he began his assignment, a mysterious group of Reploids calling themselves the X-Hunters appeared with a message to X: the remains of his fallen comrade, Zero, were in the hands of the X-Hunters, and they planned on resurrecting Zero to fight alongside them and for their fallen leader, Sigma.

X must now stop the X-Hunters and rescue Zero, and once again prevent Sigma from rising back into ultimate power.

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