Ultra Games developed a DOS game in the year 1990 called Metal Gear. In the video game ranking, this game ruled the charts for a very long time. You can now play it again online by clicking here.
Metal Gear description
The progenitor of the modern genre of stealth games.
Frankly, the PC version of the famous legends leaves much to be desired: not only that ported initially weird NES version (which in the manual is the unnamed Main Villain is a parody of Muammar Gaddafi and is stylish valzania to base the sewer Snake merely thrown out with a parachute), she pared down compared to her. No sound, ugata to EGA graphics (there is, however, even a CGA-mode, ugly as mortal sin), so control yourself.
The only salvation of the soul - the gameplay has remained unchanged... This time. But there are two: PC version - the only one (besides the upcoming reissue of the MSX version as a free application to Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance), which was translated into English by a human, not an automatic translator, because the show is very unusual, sorry to say not from the plot and graphics (usually it was the opposite).
So. In the yard in 1997, the distant future for those times when the game was made. Some are small, but very arrogant Africa Hendra decides to defend its independence sverhoriginalnogo way - nuclear weapons. A feature of the embodiment it becomes stolen their agents, the Polish scientist named Dr. Pettrovich Madnar (in correct translation, Dr. Drago Petrovich Madnar), a robotics genius, and his creation - a giant walking robot named Metal Gear.
Secret merkenskoe Agency FOXHOUND sends in Gindro, in the wilds of the fortress of Outer Heaven, his best agent, Grey Fox (Gray Fox), but that disappears in these wilds. Under the protectorate the chief of FOXHOUND, the guy with the call sign Big Boss (Big Boss), to save the legendary hero and the unfortunate pole, but at the same time and the whole world send green recruits received call Solid Snake (Solid Snake). The serpent has only a walkie-talkie and a loyal pack of Lucky Strike, is thrown into the jungle surrounding the fortress.
Even through the thorns of bad porting flash genius games - and if you remember that the nearest competitor - Airborne Ranger from MicroProse - the same port, only this time with a C64, then become a forgivable flaws. Snakes chronically unarmed and extremely mortal. Two-three bullets, a couple of blows from a bayonet and all, you can play March. Funeral. The poor father will get a death notice... Yes, Yes, in this series he does not know who his father is...
Fortunately, the same applies to his enemies, so everything is fair. But on our side - bottomless backpack, "smart" guidance Boss on the radio and the element of surprise. Use them wisely and all will be fine.
The game is highly recommended for all to test the strength of their own patience; all fans of the series that began with MGS and therefore have little idea what is so strong and the Fox who was still the Boss... Well, the rest go to rack emulators MSX and NES in order to play the version with sound and sane graphics control.
Now, play Metal Gear online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.
Source: Archive.org
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