Simulation game released by Three-Sixty Pacific, Inc. in the year 1990 by the name Sands of Fire is an excellent 1st-person perspective game that can be played online by clicking on the link here.
Sands of Fire description
Tank simulator on the African theater of operations of world war II. Play against the Germans and Italians, led by Rommel, there is a separate American (two missions) and English (four missions) of the campaign.
The American mission is the events of late 1942 and the first half of 1943 after landing in Morocco, there is a hike through Algeria and the battle for Tunisia, playing for the British longer and more devoted to the German offensive in 1941, and the British counteroffensive in 1942, it is natural that the largest battle (in Tobruk and El Alamein) will be here.
The game is available for strategic and tactical modes. Strategic (before the mission) – seeing the card and giving General orders. Tactical mode – control a single tank with first person view (and play immediately for his entire crew – driver, gunner and the commander), also subordinate to the us can be up to five tanks, which can also give orders (in particular, concerning formations and battle tactics). The better we completed a specific mission, the more "points" earned and the more advanced the "career ladder".
Graphically looks on the strength of the medium in the first place because the control mode of the tank we see, perhaps, as much as sees a real tank, the rest of the space on the screen occupied by well-drawn and detailed management interface. But all the statistics screens, tactical maps, maps, formations and other unusual beautifully depicted. The game features large-scale training scenario, and in General it should be recognized that, despite the genre and a good enemy AI, the game is, surprisingly, quite friendly to the player, so it can be recommended for those who want the first time to see what an old tank simulator.
Play your all-time favorite Sands of Fire free on your browser here.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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