Sonic 1 – Return to Homeland

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Sonic 1 - Return to Homeland game description


Homeland Zone - Green Hill Zone after Ice Age is more warm and tropical.

Linear Design Zone - Marble Zone under construction after Ice Age. Just hold right button to win and sometimes jump to avoid spikes, badniks and cold lava (after Ice Age Marble Zone is more colder)

Fuck This Zone - Zone of despair, doom and rage quit. Dr. Robotnik decided to change Spring Yard Zone into nightmare fuel to avenge his previous failed plan to capture all Flickies. Goodluck. ;)

Utopia Zone - Congratulations! You've beaten Fuck This Zone, so I give you special gift, this zone is Labyrinth Zone after Ice Age, but extremely easy and relaxing. :D ;)

Dream City Zone - Star Light Zone under construction and more pink/purpe. Act 1 is absolutely custom and Act 2 and 3 is small edited.

Suicidal Base Zone - Scrap Brain Zone under construction and literally scrapped, because Dr. Robotnik is actually busy building Metropolis Zone and this zone actually have no rings, glitched foreground and... Goodluck, just be careful, where you stepping your feet. ;)

Same Shit Zone - Same Final Boss, because I know nothing about making custom bosses, but this zone have custom art and music and after that you see custom ending and credits. ;)

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