
Rings of the Magi

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5.0 /5

Remember playing your all-time favorite Rings of the Magi which was launched by MVP Software in the year 1995? You can now play it online again here.

Rings of the Magi description

From the world of AC Rianed started to go magic power. The remaining sorcerers, putting aside the remaining differences, banded together and created artifacts to save magic - ring of magic (Rings of the Magi). You can combine them to use different spells. But magic can not spend unnecessarily, especially when it was nowhere to take; in addition, witches are not eternal - they need a change, so I created the training system for young mages learn to combine the rings of spells so that none remained. In this game you take on the role of a young apprentice magician, located on the first stage of training.

Each task represents a Board 13Ñ…11 in which is placed a ring, obstacles, pushers, by which it is possible to move the ring. Pusher is a push bar with an arrow pointing to one side, or with four arrows pointing to the cardinal. If it's pressed, all the rings in the direction indicated by the arrow to move one cell from the follower, if they have to move and if they are not closed by a pusher wall. Band rings move in concert, without the formation of gaps. Every time when rings of the same color touch sides, they are removed from the field, therefore, the ring control caution. If it will remain a ring of some color, all the rings will be impossible to remove, and then MAG-mentor about it will politely remind you. While solving the puzzle it is possible to cancel (undo) one last stroke, or to start again (restart), or you can ask the mentor to show the correct order of moves (solve): in this case, the Board is reset to the start. To pass the level will need to at least reproduce this order in memory, but you can come up with more efficient task execution, when the result of one of the Board removed more than one set of rings - is that worth more points. Not all tasks allow this possibility, but if she is - she should use it.

On the selection panel task buttons there are five levels of difficulty - novice, apprentice, journeyman, master, and own (custom) which can be filled via the level editor, by calling it from the main menu, or palming off the game made by someone else levels. Each difficulty level is available 20 tasks whose names contain the features of a particular placement. Unfortunately, to understand what the spell is hidden behind the arrangement, it is impossible, but to the beginner it is not necessary. After solving each problem you can hear the comments from the coach, which, however, does not always match spent on this effort and effect of the decision. If you run at least once the selected tasks one level, the player receives a ring level on hand, and getting all four, it can be considered a full MAG Aqlaf Araneda and Lord of the rings magic.

The graphics in these games usually is not a major component, but much nicer to see details parenteralnye ring and controls in the game. Sounds minimalistic, music MIDI adjusts to reflect, there's no rush, and if tired, then the game can safely save after solving another puzzle, going to the main menu and pressing Save game. AutoSave of the game there - instead, the mentor will gently remind you that you have not saved your progress in learning. So if you are stuck at some level (for me that turned out to be Master 16, called Gravity), you can use built-in cheats, among which there are completely harmless Fireworks mode, when the rings instead of the mere disappearance of a fly to pieces all over the field - looks nice, especially if you blow up a couple of groups of rings in different places.

Want to play Rings of the Magi online now, play it on your browser here.


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  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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