Dos Sint Nicolaas DOS front cover
5.0 /5
Every year Sint Nicolaas comes all the way from Spain to Holland to gives presents and gingerbread cookies to the children. On December 5th, at night, Sint travels over the roofs and drops the presents and cookies through the chimneys.

Sint Nicolaas has been robbed! The thieves have taken his big sack full of presents and gingerbread cookies. In their run however, they weren’t careful and presents started dropping out of the sack. Now Sint only has to collect the fallen cookies and presents and brind them to the right chimneys. Play Sint Nicolaas online!

Sint Nicolaas game description

Sint Nicolaas is a platform game based on the the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas. Jump across rooftops, pick up presents and cookies and watch out for birds and old fashioned TV antennas. The chimneys have a colored box and a number. You have to deliver the presents at the chimney with a matching color box and deliver as many cookies as indicated by the number. When you pick up presents they follow you in a string, similar to Flicky.

You can only deliver the present you first picked up. So if the present closest to you is red then you must first find a chimney with a red box. This gets tougher in later levels, where presents and matching chimney don’t appear in order forcing you to backtrack parts of the level.

After each round there is a bonus game where you have to pick up 100 gingerbread cookies within a time limit, and there are platforms that disappear when you walk across them.

Play Sint Nicolaas online

You can play Sint Nicolaas online here, in web browser for free!

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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