Steel Panthers III was developed by Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors and was released on PC DOS CD-ROM in 1997. The game included 6 campaign games and a Campaign Generator which generated a random campaign against a series of opponents. The campaigns ranged from historical to fictional and included: North Africa 1941-42, Stalingrad 1942, Market Garden 1944, Vietnam 1964-71, NATO 1988 and Holy War 2000.
Steel Panthers III is the third in the Steel Panthers series, which chronicles the exploits of tanks from a top-down hex-based setting. As the full title suggests, the time frame of Steel Panthers III covers World War II, the post-war era as well as hypothetical conflicts set in (then) near future. Play Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command – 1939-1999 online!
This time, SSI changed the scale slightly to allow larger battlefields and unit command structures, with improved leaders and command interface. Otherwise, this game isn’t much changed from Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles.