Tekken 3 Special

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4.1 /5

Tekken 3 Special (Sega Genesis) game description

The graphics are taken from the original game and simplified, with the characters being original hand drawn 2D sprites made to roughly resemble a the 3D models used in the original arcade board. The backgrounds are simple and not animated, often being mirrored horizontally like many other pirates on the Mega Drive in order to conserve ROM space. Many of the backgrounds appear to utilize poorly digitized elements. The music appears to be original. The ending is a simple "Congratulations" screen.

The title screen and character icons are taken from the original Tekken 2 and reduced in color. These seem to be the only elements lifted directly from the arcade source.

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Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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