Dos Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed DOS front cover

Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed

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5.0 /5
It is the 25th century and Earth remains ruined after centuries of war. On Mars, the corporate superpower, RAM, continues to dominate the Solar System. But a new invention may resurrect humankind's home and tilt the balance of power back into the hands of its people.

Matrix Cubed is an RPG navigated in first person for most places but with an overhead view for combat and ship navigation. Play Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed online!

Players will create (or import) a party of up to six characters and assign statistics, abilities and equipment. Players move their party in a first person maze of corridors, open area and rooms. Certain encounters will allow the player to make choices based on the party skills. In the case of combat, the player and enemy forces each have a turn, controlled on an overhead map.

Following the events of the previous game, N.E.O. the New Earth Organization, has gained some notoriety for defeating the forces of R.A.M., The Russo-American Mercantile. Because of this, the heroes of that mission are sent to diplomatic talks on Venus and N.E.O. stands to recruit a powerful new ally. However it isn’t long before trouble starts, and an assassination attempt is planned against the Venusian minister. This is only the beginning of a plot embroiled with the mysterious Matrix Device, which can turn matter into energy. Naturally these adventures will take the NEO agents all over the solar system.

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  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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