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With many different features and various levels, Caverns of Kroz released in 1989 hit the right chords right from the beginning. Play this excellent Action game and online now.

Caverns of Kroz description

Kroz - a creation of Scott Miller, thanks to the unexpected success of which was born the legendary company Apogee Software. If you read the title backwards, you get "Zork" is one of my favorite games of the author.

As for the plot, the protagonist is a fearless archaeologist, trying to find a precious amulet in ancient caves and mysterious underground Kingdom of Kroz. In the course of searching revealed a secret passage leading deep into the Earth. Of course, dungeons full of deadly dangers, unfriendly creatures and obstacles, but the desire to master an unprecedented artifact gives you strength and makes you go further.

On a choice there are three main options for difficulty and one secret. The process of the game is to get through 40 levels, is overrun by aggressive monsters, collecting gems, whips, teleports, keys, chests, spells, and other mysterious objects, which are sometimes quite complicated passage. When the enemy catches up with the hero, he selects a certain number of gems and disappears; but if the latter will not be takes the life. Using the whip you can kill the surrounding evil or to destroy breakable obstacles. Monsters also tend to die in certain encounters. Teleport can teleport you to a random location on the map, and the key opens closed doors. It should be noted that enemies can destroy things. So, despite the arcade, there will have to include logic to predict the actions a few steps forward. To move to the next level enough to use the stairs.

Externally it looks more than ascetic. The quality of the graphics is a mixture of colorful characters from the character sets ASCII and CP437. But, despite this, the game is very addictive and recommended to all fans of logical arcades.

Now, play Caverns of Kroz online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.


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  • 1

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