Want to play some nice classic game? Play Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR, 1st-person perspective game, from the famous developer Artificial Software, LLC, released in the year 1995, by clicking here.
Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR description
In 1995, the development of three-dimensional technologies was gaining momentum. More and more developers sought to give the bulk of their games, not far behind, and engineers began to appear prototypes of virtual reality glasses for the mass market. And if you suddenly thought that the letters "VR" in the title of this confusion somehow connected to this peripheral device, it is not a mistake: it is the fact that owners of expensive equipment to fork out for the purchase of specially adapted for points of virtual reality games and bet the people who created Cyberbykes.
The title screen is the last piece of a good looking game you see after booting up Cyberbykes Selecting one of the "global conflict areas" as destination for my LSD bike ride The most logical way to transport a bike by air A nearly photorealistic view of Tasmania! Too bad the architecture is a bit flaky:the rooftops seem to need a small touch of romanesque revival to be completely realistic!
The game itself is an incredibly dull, but a dynamic action in a cyberpunk setting. In a dystopian future, the process of globalization has reached global proportions: the World of the Treaty (World Treaty Organization) relatively rapidly, within a couple years, started to control most of the planet, forcibly maintaining order and fighting crime. The process was as painless as possible, with a minimum of clashes. The populations of entire regions have voluntarily joined the Organization. Opposed to WTO coalition government of the Alliance, the legitimacy of military activities which in the future is under even more doubt than in the present (actually – it's almost underground organization), puts into service the latest development: the highly maneuverable motorcycle, which can be controlled remotely from any point on Earth, combat performance is not inferior to the tank. This miracle of technology placed great hopes on the restoration of the former geopolitical influence. For the pilot this cyberbike we have to play all two dozen missions, which brings together global objective: to find caches of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, which NATO dropped on their former territories. Why? Because without it, not to win. Can we conclude from this that NATO has become a terrorist organization whose goal is mass murder? Of course. The script written by an idiot? Well, of course! And after reading all the briefings, the player will be asked whether he wishes to participate in such an operation? A natural response leads to the need to scroll through the entry again, and so until then, until given an affirmative answer. Yes, this aspect is still very bad, but which three-dimensional graphics in cutscenes! The quality of the models is downright mesmerizing, even forgotten that the characteristics of the mounting clip with the name of the game does not exist censorship epithets, or would desire to touch the game came at the stage of viewing it.
I present to you: the "i need four hands to control this thing" -aiming mode A rare sight: I actually see an enemy for longer than 0
Before each mission, you can make small tuning: choose weapons, armor, coloring and other details, paying attention to the total combat weight of the iron horse. But who am I kidding - look at this indicator, like all the others, is absolutely useless; the only thing that really changes depending on the player's choice, the color of the top part shapeless mass of pixels, which you can see on the screen, once you're done with the settings. In fact, everything about it looks so: it is either chaotic handful of pixels, or ordered in the primitive geometries with corners. But where is that beautiful picture that we saw in the cutscenes? And there remained. Yes, the graphics no luck. Someone, of course, may argue that this is an early 3D and you should not judge him harshly, but this man will be sent to get acquainted with other three-dimensional games 1995 to realize their mistake. Yes God with it, with graphics, the main thing is the gameplay, right?
In this surreal and ugly world we have to fight. As opponents are the different types of stationary turrets, and like our cyberbike. To know the turret is easy enough to see which side you are shooting, try to approach this point and to fire at her. However, for some strange reason sometimes these fortifications still visible. Mobile adversaries are calculated this way: if you can see something raced with lightning speed – this is it. Notable moment: fight enemies makes no sense at all: any reward for destroying them is not provided, and scattered through the levels bonuses with weapons, with rare exception, become in light of this, useless. And to prevent achievement of the objectives of the mission AI unfortunates not able to: it is hampered by the language tasks. The briefing makes clear, for example, that a search is in the garage next to the mansion. But what created the first time sat down for a game Modeler (for the vast majority of developers this project was a debut) of misery is intended to symbolize the mansion - mind is not understandable, only an accident can help. As you can see, play is also possible only through the power and the will.
Another lesson in why not rashly chase for easy profit? So. Especially when a team of inexperienced developers leads people, guided by extremely selfish interests. Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR is still available and not lost on the margins of history only due to a considerable circulation. Because with such a poor implementation of the main components of her did not help either the level editor or the ability to play over the network via a modem or a rare action switching prospects, no support is advanced at the time resolution of 1280x1024.
Relive your old memories by playing Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR free and online on your browser now.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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