
Harald Hardtand: Kampen om de rene Tender

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3.5 /5

Colgate-Palmolive A/S developed a DOS game in the year 1992 called Harald Hardtand: Kampen om de rene Tender. In the video game ranking, this game ruled the charts for a very long time. You can now play it again online by clicking here.

Harald Hardtand: Kampen om de rene Tender description

Danish arcade, the creation of which was sponsored by the company "Colgate", a manufacturer of toothpaste. Your hero – a tooth (!), but not quite simple, but with arms, legs, face and arms in the form of a tube of toothpaste (any to explain, I hope is not necessary). His job is to fight bacteria in the human oral cavity.

In General, the standard. The levels, jumping on platforms stacked (one jump can jump only on one tier; if you jump carelessly, you can lose health), bonuses which include "life", "ammunition" (i.e. stocks of toothpaste in the tube) and all sorts of exotic things (like double-charges).

Much more unusual enemies – because we are at war with bacteria! In the game they are diverse – sometimes very funny and sometimes surreal – creatures, direct contact with which will have an impact on our hero the tooth is very negative. And, of course, there will be bosses – in my opinion, one of the best bosses in the entire history of games: to come up with such creatures, it is necessary to have a lot of talent.

The graphics are hand drawn and very beautiful, all bright and clear (especially, of course, pleasing the bosses), the backgrounds are fairly monotonous – but this is understandable, because the action of the periodontal and oral cavity, where nothing particularly outstanding and no... the Verdict is objectively very good, dynamic and fun platformer with a more than unusual character who will surely appeal to all fans to run and jump in a fun atmosphere.

PS: the Game is in Danish. The other version does not. Not understand a single word, but text in the game very little, so the language barrier to play not hurt. If someone fluent in the Danish language – it will be very cool.

Wish to enjoy your afternoon playing some classic videogames? Play Harald Hardtand: Kampen om de rene Tender online for free here.


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