Action game released by Gamos Ltd. in the year 1991 by the name Sky Cat is an excellent Side view perspective game that can be played online by clicking on the link here.
Sky Cat description
This amazing blend of SMAP, arcade, flying games & puzzles was created in 1991 by Alex (Alex? Alexander?) and Elena Sikinyi. Alas, now it is the creation of the domestic game industry the order is forgotten.
Our “celestial cat” is a space probe which is sent on a mission to rescue people who have fallen hostage to the aliens. Universal machine has a relatively large size, square shape and is equipped with lasers and a magnet. Why do you need weapons - it is clear: shoot at enemies. But the magnet is required in order to draw some occurring at the level of a segmented (but not always) the elements in order to free the passage further, but sometimes it has another use, the same pieces can wear and use the armor.
Shooting at the very first enemy Shooting at the enemy guns also shooting for some reason Removing the obstacle Shooting and trying to avoid the enemy shots
As opponents of the acts enemy machines of various types: stationary turrets firing destroyers ramming spheres, rockets and so on. Manage our probe will be using the keyboard and mouse, but the options allow you to configure it for your convenience.
Graphically “sky cat” looks great: colorful graphics, special effects, detailed environments, all to our services. Except that the background music is somewhat monotonous.
An excellent example of domestic games of the early 1990s, which is to meet as interested in the development of the industry in Russia, and fans of unusual multi-genre projects.
Want to play Sky Cat online now, play it on your browser here.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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