5.0 /5

Storm Across Europe, a DOS game was released by the very talented group Strategic Simulations, Inc. in 1990. Little did they know that they will end up making history. Play this game again here.

Storm Across Europe description

Very powerful and interesting vargeym dedicated to the most popular topics of this sub-genre, the Second world war.

The game includes six scenarios (the early – 1939, and the late – 1944) and script editor, which is almost the most interesting part of it (the customize "under itself" when creating a script can be just about anything: the type of terrain, the population of cities in the combat zone, the types of available raw materials and their quantity and even the role of scientific achievements in the course of the campaign and the presence/absence of reinforcements).

In the game the war is in three environments – on land, at sea and in the air. As in a number of wargames, under our management control, and a limited number of resources to warfare and the creation of new pieces of equipment, and can be extracted and new, capturing the city. The game, of course, is step by step, one move equals three months. Supported multiplayer on one computer to three people - someone will have to play for the Germans, the remaining – for the allies and for the Soviet Union. It should be noted that for the Germans in this game the computer can NOT play, so if you don't have a partner, you have to be the Nazi campaign (for such a perversion we will take the game in ranking as many as three points).

Naval battles in the game are perhaps the most detailed (statistically, of course), and instrumental (the fleet is even divided into surface and submarine). Mentioned in the beginning science is, of course, in the main game – without it in any way. However, the more you spend on science, the less will be able to create units, because resources are scarce. And sometimes finding a proper balance between these forces will be even more important than the actual fighting. Yes, although the game is generally historically accurate, specific historical battles and personalities will not be here, as will not be able to play specific historical battles. Alas.

The global map is large enough, includes Europe to the Ural, the middle East and North Africa. Separately, surprisingly, it is worth noting graphics – the game, of course, is just a map, like any wargame, and the designation of the units is more than probation, and the map itself is also very crookedly drawn, but is replete with bright colors, why watch the changing colors by modifying the front line is very nice. The interface is though difficult but still much easier than in many similar games.

In General, the game is not a hit, but their "niche" - very, very decent, so fans of the subgenre is highly recommended.

Have you ever wondered what kind of video games were played in the good old days? Try playing Storm Across Europe online now and we are sure you will not stop playing again.


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  • 5
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  • 2
  • 1

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