Dos Strip Poker II DOS front cover

Strip Poker II

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4.1 /5
Discover Strip Poker II (also known as Strip Poker II: A Sizzling Game of Chance, Deluxe Strip Poker), an excellent game of 1988. With 1st-person perspective, the publisher Artworx Software Company, Inc. had wonderful ideas around adult, cards.

What can I say that isn’t already implied by the title? This is a computer version of five-card draw poker featuring photos of women who wear fewer clothes the better you do, all rendered in digitized graphics. The basic game includes two models, Suzi and Melissa, but expansion disks were also available. Play Strip Poker II online!

Play Strip Poker II online

You can play Strip Poker II online here, in web browser for free!

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
Game Genre
Game Perspective
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