
T2: The Arcade Game

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3.7 /5

A very interesting DOS game was released by Midway Manufacturing Company in the year 1993. The game was called T2: The Arcade Game. You can now play it online.

T2: The Arcade Game description

Good game - a virtual shooting gallery, ported from the gaming machines, based on the movie "Terminator 2".

Your only job is to destroy robots by shooting at them with the first person on the background is very nicely drawn the destroyed cities (and not only). At other levels there will be other opponents – for example, there are some evil punks. By the way, graphics are generally very good, sometimes there is even a "story" insert with lyrics from the movie. They say that the main boss of the game is the T-1000. Have the opportunity to play together on one computer.

The game, as has been said, not bad, but tell her something is impossible – is shooting from the slot machines, nothing more.

Play your all-time favorite T2: The Arcade Game free on your browser here.


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  • 2
  • 1

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