In the year 1994, Taking Care of Business! was launched by Moonlite Software, a top-notch Action game with an amazing and engaging Arcade gameplay. Click here to play it online.
Taking Care of Business! description
Shareware-arcade is "smart" direction, somewhat similar to Sokoban, where the player, controlling a man named Dirk, you need to get to the exit from a particular screen-level (the output is immediately visible, but to reach it sometimes is not easy). In shareware version only 15 levels in the full version - 60, formally to pass all levels at once, but held them better consistently, for every complicated than the previous.
The basis of the gameplay at the beginning levels (in-game they are referred to as "puzzles") is the transfer boxes. This action is implemented in the game is quite unusual: the box can not only raise and lower but also move and even jump with him. Contrary to the information found here and there, to pass the level it is not necessary to rearrange all the boxes from start to end, especially because there are such levels where the boxes really not. An example of passing part of the level to move up to a ledge two boxes, they put another one, and then, taking the fourth, jump on the lower boxes, then on top and then on the ledge, all the while not releasing the last box, because you will need it in the future.
At higher levels, gameplay becomes a significant diversity. In particular, the special added bonus of the inscription, taking you can apply special features: for example, super-jump, or create stairs; of course, the number of times when those abilities can be applied, equal to the number of collected labels (i.e. if you have only one label "jump", and jump especially high able only once). Will also be all sorts of teleports, levers, a special type of blocks that you can push and who can hang in the air (!), and so on. The main difficulty, which may not be too noticeable at first, the architecture of the levels is not as simple and must be very carefully plan the route in advance so as not to make mistakes.
Start of level 2 Watch me effortlesly hefting those massive boxes around! Using the POW! to break bricks with my head.
Graphics - especially considering the origin of the game is quite pretty although backgrounds per se, but a figure of man and a few objects are clearly drawn with love. Overall - not the most simple puzzle-arcade game, while challenging not to irritation, perfectly suited as a dining or evening workout for the mind.
Enjoy playing Taking Care of Business! online, it can be played on your browser and is free.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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