
Championship Poker

Click here to play Championship Poker online
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Want to play Championship Poker published by Applications Plus online? Just click to play the game.

Championship Poker description

Among the great variety of computer incarnations different card games individual project is difficult to stand out, except, perhaps, its rarity. Here and Championship Poker interesting is this.

The game offers little help on the basics of poker and the possibility to decompose a single party or to participate in the tournament, and both in that and in other mode there are several settings that allow including to change the number of players, entry and rates. Then we show a table made in a simple CGA palette, in which the virtual and invisible dealer puts the cards from the deck, and around are the players. All control is from the keyboard.

We can assume that the little-known company Applications Plus at the time tried to win consumers from competitors due to lower price their products, which automatically translates them into the category of the budget, and therefore some of their projects have not survived to the present day. However, Championship Poker lucky, and now it certainly will not disappear.

Play your all-time favorite Championship Poker free on your browser here.


Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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