In the year 1984, Flightmare was launched by Peter Adams, a top-notch Action game with an amazing and engaging Arcade gameplay. Click here to play it online.
Flightmare description
Absolute classics of the arcade genre (and one of the first shareware games). The action takes place in the year 2345 on post-apocalyptic Earth, where the last civilized tribe of people called Omegans protects you, the pilot, control a powerful fighting plane, your city from armed to the teeth gang of desert barbarians.
Most of all, of course, Flightmare is interesting because it allows to control the plane as a side view and a top view (a kind of "3D early '80s"). And to change it: in the top of the screen you see what is happening from a side view, in Central – top-down. This is a pretty original move, but to say that he simplifies the game, it is impossible, because to hit enemies with this perspective, a very difficult (and a lot of enemies here, and they are all represented by different types of equipment). Ammunition in the game is limited, as well as the fuel (to fill, use the airship tanker).
Lining up to shoot the motorcycle tires. The strategic screen; the enemy planes come to harass your blimb and protect the ground pounders.
Graphics, by the way, for years release is quite decent, and even the absence of backgrounds, story-wise, the game is only good and creates the right atmosphere of darkness and horror. Verdict – do is a real classic, very difficult to master game play which, however, every once it started working it at least once in life.
Dogfighting... sort of. An enemy plane has just been shot. It is quite easy to crash into enemy planes. Docking with the blimp to replenish ammunition.
Play your all-time favorite Flightmare free on your browser here.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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