Dos Holiday Lemmings 1994 DOS front cover

Holiday Lemmings 1994

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5.0 /5
Holiday Lemmings 1994 was the second full Lemmings game made using the Christmas theme, and the last official game to use the original Lemmings engine. The game also includes all the levels from Holiday Lemmings 1993.

Holiday Lemmings 1994 was the second full Lemmings game made using the Christmas theme, and the last official game to use the original Lemmings engine. The game also includes all the levels from Holiday Lemmings 1993. Play Holiday Lemmings online!

Holiday Lemmings game description

Based on the original classic game Lemmings, Holiday Lemmings was a small stand-alone game that was released during the early 1990s holiday seasons. It features classic Lemmings gameplay, only with Christmas-themed levels. The basic objective is to use the Lemmings’ special abilities to create a path to the exit that all the Lemmings can follow. Your goal is to try and keep as many Lemmings alive as possible.

Gameplay is unchanged from the original game: players are tasked with leading a horde of Lemmings to the level exit by assigning them special abilities. The holiday theme shows in snow-covered landscapes, the Lemmings wearing Christmas outfits and appropriate background music. The game includes 32 all-new levels, grouped into two difficulties: Frost and Hail. It also comes with all 32 levels from the 1993 version (Flurry and Blizzard difficulties).

Play Holiday Lemmings online

You can play Holiday Lemmings online here, in web browser for free!

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
Game Developer
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Game Theme

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