
Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-One

Click here to play Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-One online
3.7 /5

A DOS game was developed by Electronic Arts, Inc. and then released by Electronic Arts in 1988, the game was called Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-One. Now you can relive the memories by playing it online here.

Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-One description

Arcade basketball simulator one-on-one: between competing Michael Jordan and Larry bird; when playing alone you can only play for Jordan.

A choice of two game modes – on points or on time. The main feature is that the game for a particular player is really completely different from the one for the other (e.g. bird more effort, but Jordan is faster and better jumps, and so on). There is also a separate mini-mode where you choose three types of throws and then do their best to get high marks judges.

Graphically the game is very beautiful for its time: the isometric view, players are drawn clearly and large enough, there are stands with spectators. This thing is of interest primarily because it is one of the few examples of a single basketball on the PC.

Now, play Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-One online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.


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  • 5
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  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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