One of MicroProse's most overlooked flight sim, Harrier Jump Jet is a very detailed flight simulator of the RAF's Harrier GR7 and the US Marine Corps' AV-8B using a - for its time - very innovative gouraud shading technology to create more realistic looking objects and landscapes.

The RAF’s Harrier GR7, or the US Marine Corps’ AV-8B represented a new generation of aircraft. Vertical take-off and landing, plus the ability to hover and reverse, make this a plane of immense power, capable of winning any argument, and here’s your chance to fly it. Play Jump Jet online!

Fly in three imagined flash-point areas of future conflict (which are now in the past): Hong Kong 1996, the Falklands 1997 and Nord Kapp 1998. Each of these has multiple difficulty settings. Pre-flight briefings and scene-setting drags you into the action, but mission objectives and enemies change as the flights unfold due to real-time AI.

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