Dos Kingdom At War DOS front cover
5.0 /5
Kingdoms at War is an enjoyable fantasy strategy game that manages to be different enough from the me-too crowd to be both refreshing and interesting.

Kingdom at War is a turn based strategy game in which you control a medieval country and set out to conquer all other countries. You can raise armies, improve your castle and its defenses, conduct diplomacy, and improve your economy. Set scenarios, and randomly generated maps allow for varied replay options. Many factors can be randomized to create new worlds to dominate. Play Kingdom At War online!

Kingdom At War game description

At first glance, Kingdoms at War looks like just another fantasy/medieval strategy game in the same vein as Warlords or Dominus. But spend some time with it, and you will discover a lot of nice little details that are reminiscent of Interplay’s classic Castle and Cinemaware’s Defender of the Crown.

The plot is simple: unite the various city states under your banner by battling the other five Kings. The game offers six scenarios plus a custom scenario, and modem play is supported although only two players can compete (turn-based hotseat mode supports up to 8 human players, though). The gameplay will be familiar fare to strategy veterans: set taxes, hire troops, attack opposing armies, spy on enemies, improve a city’s defence, and so on.

One innovative and fun feature is the great variety of medieval-style tournaments you can hold – primarily to recruit the best warriors in your land, but also to increase happiness of the people. Each type of tournament brings in different types of warriors; for example, if you hold an Arena Tournament, many different pit fighters will turn up at your door, as well as Orcs, Ogres, Barbarians, or even Giants.

Play Kingdom At War online

You can play Kingdom At War online here, in web browser for free!

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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