Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play Scapeghost again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1989 and a must-play for all video game lovers.
Scapeghost description
A highly original text adventure with graphics, attracting attention primarily for its protagonist: almost the only time in the history of the old games you are invited to play for the Ghost (!), and the fact that the hero incorporeal creature with their own strengths and weaknesses, is critical for passage.
Hero police officer Alan chance, killed during a special operation against drug traffickers, who have taken hostages. In the city the gang have an ally - a corrupt detective involved in drug trafficking (he was hiding drugs in a cemetery and gives the team when they can bring and pick up) and receives from this a big profit. Taking advantage of the death of Chance's walking and knowing about the rumors about the relationship with the bandits someone from the police, he tries to convince everyone that chance and was thus "connected", making it thus "scapegoat" (eng. "scapegoat" because the name of the game is loosely translated as "Ghost boy"). However, the spirit of Chance can not rest and after the funeral returned to the living world to restore justice and seek punishment for the true culprits.
Beginning of episode 1 -- November Graveyard Beginning of episode 2 -- Haunted House Beginning of episode 3 -- Poltergeist CGA text-only mode
The game is divided into three chapters - "game day". For some reason, you can start with any of them, however, in the case beginning from the second and third lot will be incomprehensible. Nominally the essence of the gameplay is the same as almost all text adventure: to read the text on the screen describing locations, objects and situations, and then enter keyboard commands that imply certain actions and generally being a bunch of verbs and nouns. Texts in Scapeghost very detailed, the syntax is not too complicated (in particular, to move, as in many IF, just enter the first letter of cardinal directions), but these commands and the meaning of activity you are doing (in other word - game puzzles) here is very unintuitive. For example, after "the appearance" your character has psychokinetic powers, but not physical; the latter, such as the opportunity to raise the subject to the passing game are essential and have to re-develop by strengthening the power of the spirit. There is also a NPC turns out to be seemingly empty cemetery communicate with each other restless souls, from which we can obtain useful information and even help. The quality of drawing images (supported not only CGA, but EGA and VGA) and their entourage - in a truly otherworldly, Gothic-graveyard spirit - greatly increase the already excellent mystical atmosphere.
The verdict - another really original and addictive quest, even without the visual interactivity, but deserving the highest ratings. In the end, not every game begins with a funeral, for someone to have to play...
Relive your old memories by playing Scapeghost free and online on your browser now.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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