Want to play some nice classic game? Play Turoid, Side view perspective game, from the famous developer Jason Turong, released in the year 1994, by clicking here.
Turoid description
Arkanoid with some interesting moments.
At first glance – it's standard: the ball is pushed away from the platform and fly to the colorful blocks to destroy them. The blocks come in different colors: green, orange and white just break upon contact with the ball, and – attention! only into this game and need "plot" to destroy. Green is always destroyed with a single punch, orange with two white, with three.
The other blocks of something special: so, for the destruction of yellow is necessary to collect special bonuses, it gives a lot of points, but is not mandatory. Bonuses, typically, you can get by destroying the blocks of Golden color. These bonuses are quite varied and include extra lives, increase speed, restore health to your platform (Yes, there is and it could be reduced), extra ball, reducing the speed of free flight of ball (here is a bonus, Yes) or even the option to skip this level.
But sometimes there are bad bonuses. However, the most unusual are the purple blocks: after the destruction of their place appear red balls, like yours, that are aggressive against your platform (which is repelled by your ball) and you can destroy it with two or four strokes. So these blocks should not be disturbed.
Variety here are not only blocks, but also available you platform and balls. Platforms differ in size, mobility and degree of ottalkivaemsya from them ball. Balls of all three types: red, which can start from anything, but can not destroy Golden blocks, while others are destroyed, usually not at one time, silver, not so Jumpy, but can destroy everything (though not necessarily at one time, but in most cases, Yes), and gold, which destroy all types of blocks at one time (including gold) and can even penetrate the entire row, but can only push off from the platform. In order for your ordinary red balloon was silver or gold, must also find a special bonus.
There are both regular and bonus levels, the gameplay which slightly differs in the dynamics of your "enemies" there are jumping and rotating balls. The graphics in these games we traditionally don't evaluate, but we must admit that here you will enjoy the contrast black background as the sky and the hosts of brightly colored blocks. Overall – a very good breakout game, clearly proving that any great idea can be not only to exploit but also to develop creative. All fans of the subgenre is highly recommended.
Not sure how to pass your time, why not play our classic videogame Turoid online? And the best part, it is for free!
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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