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Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play Zong again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1996 and a must-play for all video game lovers.

Zong description

Zong is a typical representative of the galaxy organoinorganic games. The only non-standard solution are small protrusions of the "edge" screen on the left and right bottom, which narrows down the danger zone of the falling ball-projectile. Everything else is standard: there are blocks, crashing down with the first hit, with multiple hits (on some of the blocks of the Roman numeral indicated the number of hits required for destruction) and not crashing at all. Clean the field from the destroyed blocks go to the next level. It is worth noting that when you choose one of five difficulty levels a set of playing fields will vary. All of them 140, and to see them all, you have to beat the game on all difficulty levels.

In the passage we are designed to help periodically drop down from the blocks bonuses. But whether they help or complicate the game – is the question. The fact that the bonuses look like colored falling roundels, on which there is not just any icons, but even no correlation between their color and the resulting effect. For example, the bonus blue can at one time to increase the racket and the other to magnetize it. Thus, the plan receiving bonuses, it becomes absolutely impossible, that rather overshadows the overall impression of the game.

Want to play Zong online now, play it on your browser here.


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  • 5
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  • 2
  • 1

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