Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play Сержант Слотт: Галактический дворник again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1995 and a must-play for all video game lovers.
Сержант Слотт: Галактический дворник description
Before you is the most Patriotic game, which received even some fame in the world wide web due to its absurdity. We have to play for Slotta janitor, whose task is to clear the galaxy from the accumulated debris. But if your understanding of the janitor - a man wielding a broom or a MOP, then you are mistaken. Our hero in possession of the whole space ship, armed for the destruction of waste and is even capable of improvement.
Gameplay - the usual side-scroller, divided into two-minute stages with no enemies (!), but everywhere fly the dregs, which are also obstacles for the vehicle. Garbage, oddly enough, is divided into two types - necessary for the government to research and just destroy. The first are the wreckage of ships and satellites, disks and coins for personal needs. So for all of these items earn points, you need to deal with them (!), which, of course, will cause damage, but health regenerates pretty quickly. Help finding this type of waste will have a special radar. The garbage that is subject to immediate splitting of atoms, is a separate matter. Everything in other games helps the character killing here. The hearts, watches, oxygen cylinders, swords, and even bottles labeled "BONUS" are all fatal.
Sometimes monotonous gameplay is to be paid variety. On some stages to help our brave cleaner arrives partner, controlled by the computer. A contribution in the amount of points he contributes a small (even more easily killed like obstacles and player), because in most cases, is useless. Also, at the end of Slott can meet with the ship of the villain that violates purity. With each subsequent appearance it will be harder to blow up.
Graphics (VGA 320x200) is very pleasing to the eye. Despite the fact that the action takes place in outer space (which explains the almost complete lack of backgrounds), the other objects look very beautiful. But rules the roost here digitized sound. Throughout the game will play one melody, which is supported by Sound Blaster and even a PC Speaker (no wheeze!). To deliver even more of the arcade it is possible to connect the joystick.
In the settings you can choose two languages - English and German that will change only intuitive menu items. Summary: just a great game, recommended to fans of unusual and slightly eccentric computer games.
PS controls: arrow keys - control, space - shooting; S - change game speed; P - pause.
Now, play Сержант Слотт: Галактический дворник online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.
Source: Archive.org
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