Your favorite game Bubble Ghost which was developed by Accolade in the year 1988 is now available online. Click here to play.
Bubble Ghost description
The ghosts and ghosts definitely strange interests: some people love to scare people half to death, others love to sing at night, and some just can not live without sweets. The main character of the game Bubble Ghost, like any normal Ghost, has a weakness for big bubble. Play with bubble incredibly fun and exciting, however due to their fragile nature the object of admiration bursts from the slightest contact with anything material. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that in the castle, where he lives a shadowy character, with bubble play is extremely inconvenient due to the excessive space limitations. The decision in such a situation only one thing – to get a bubble free!
But one thing optimistic plans, and the other – a harsh reality. But the reality of the castle is really harsh for the owner of this magnificent structure, being bent on physics and science fiction, ponastavili everywhere various devices and mechanisms that make the already cramped space of the castle into a real obstacle course. On the way brave ghosts and defenseless bubble will meet candles, fans, electric field, mechanical head (!), spiders, a great many thorns and prickles of various sizes and also frightening appearance design, the purpose of which we can only guess. And all this environment and look to crush, burn, blow away or pierce the fragile soapy area! The intangible essence of the main character, alas, does not allow him to directly protect the bladder from this harm, but the Ghost still has the ability to protect the bubble from the aggressive environment using... own breathing. It is through the breath, the Ghost can deftly control the movement of the bladder, and the absence of any restrictions on movement in space allows him to skillfully control the flight path of their toys. With the help of the exhaled air can also have an impact on some of the obstacles and mechanisms: candle - blow out the trumpet to blow, and the spider to scare away from their homes. The farther away the friendly Duo moving through the castle rooms, the more difficult and complex obstacles encountered in their way. Excitement (and difficulty!) this trip adds, and the fact that the ability to save the game here, so to get to the exit from a dark labyrinth can only be in one sitting.
In addition to the single mode, the game has a successive passage for two players and a training mode. Mode two represents a kind of competition, offering you and your friend once and for all decide which of you is more agile and more precisely controlled with the keyboard, exercise is also needed in order to get used to the control the game characters and practice.
Technical performance of the game is commendable: the graphics and animation, and sound are perfectly combined with each other and convey the atmosphere of this game works. Perhaps someone on first glance it would seem that the game looks too simple and straightforward, but once you start playing, as this illusion is dissipated: Bubble Ghost, like a good vacuum cleaner, delaying the player with his head, completely immersing you in the game. A special “thank you” I want to say to the developers for the appearance and animation of the main character: monochrome Ghost sincerely rejoice the successful completion of each room, blushing from the strain in trying to blow out a candle funny grumbles and just radiates charisma!
Being inherently rather mediocre arcade game, Bubble Ghost combining elements of puzzle, forcing the player not only to expertly handle pliable bladder, but also to choose the most safe route by solving problems and removing obstacles. But the main thing is in Bubble Ghost – the atmosphere. This little masterpiece miraculously accumulates the energy and appeal of the old games, appealing to the best recollection of those who in early childhood has experienced the amazing game worlds with wide-eyed delight eyes...
Tired of your same old routine, want to add some entertainment and fun element in hour life? Play one of the best videogame Bubble Ghost online now and change your boring oold routine for good.
Source: Archive.org
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