In 1984, a DOS game was released by SEGA Enterprises. The game was called Congo Bongo and belongs to Arcade genre. Play it online by clicking here.
Congo Bongo description
Another platform imperishable classics from ancient times. You have to play for a researcher of the African jungle (probably in the Congo basin), which found here a gorilla shows the greatest disrespect – kicks and tickles him at night. Of course, one day a courageous traveler is tired, so he decided to put her excesses to an end. Hence, the aim of the game is to catch the gorilla (that sell!), chasing her through the levels with such a simple architecture and is filled with various dangers.
Gameplay is very simple as such (or rather, seems so now) – you have to jump in pursuit of the gorilla and trying to avoid all wild animals (crocodiles etc) and stones, which rushes you arrogant gorilla with elevations. Graphically, the game is for its time looks, admittedly, a truly unmatched perspective of the review isometric, and being drawn unusually large and clear. In short, pass up this most of this Masterpiece with a capital letter one who considers himself once it started working, just not allowed.
Play your favorite childhood game Congo Bongo online in your browser for free here.
Source: Archive.org
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