
Dragon Force

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4.0 /5

With many different features and various levels, Dragon Force released in 1995 hit the right chords right from the beginning. Play this excellent RPG game and online now.

Dragon Force description

Mediocre and not particularly straining gyrus Asian RPG-shka from a reputable Taiwanese developer King Formation, similar to many other "rolevushka". Gameplay takes place in a medieval fantasy setting, which for some reason much loved Asian video game developers. Compare Dragon Force can and should be, first of all, with the same RPG – Flame Dragon Knights 2: Legend of The Gold Castle (炎龍騎士團2黄金城之謎, 1995) from Dynasty. Both of these creations have some similar game mechanics, but also they are present the same characteristics of the console control menu.

The plot is formulaic fantasy, and, frankly, a bit of a "historically boring"; it is something like monotone very much monotonous enumeration of events in style: "...of bygone years...". Maybe it's just a reference to the stories of other role-playing games released earlier...

According to legend, long ago a brave warrior, using a magic glowing Orb was able to defeat the Devil, encasing him in captivity with the help of magic seals. After that, in the ancient Dreamland peace and tranquility. Much time has passed since then, people have already forgotten about that story; meanwhile, the action of printing weakened and the forces of evil have begun to break out. The first was the Dragon King. He broke free, taking the country and abducting the Princess. Many good warriors died in battle with him. Only one young warrior was able to defeat the Dragon King and free the prisoner. Then came the quiet time. Together the young man and the Princess created a beautiful country consisting of three small kingdoms. But slose not asleep. Many years later one wounded rider brought it to the Palace the terrible news. The demon and his army of ghosts captured a small border fortress, leaving behind the ruins. Another Princess has been kidnapped. And so, the brave young Prince without hesitation went to look for her. On the way he met another Prince. Together they rescued the Princess, and then the three of us defeated the Demon. And yet many years later the evil face of Satan once again appeared on Earth. To finally beat the four best warrior, two boys and two girls descended to the underworld and after a hard battle managed to defeat the Devil. As soon as he was once again defeated, the young soldiers used six magical orbs to cast powerful spells to seal his eternal prison. After that, the artifacts were hidden in caches of six different magical country. To protect the storage space from the attack of evil forces, king of the state has created a special squad of the best horsemen guarding magic orbs and approaches to the borders. But again, the quiet life did not last long. The forces of evil slowly woke up again and jumped up to free his master. Now we have the whole Kingdom was in mortal danger. Your hero is sent in search of universal salvation, and eventually he'll have to defeat the Devil in the final battle...

Despite the seemingly serious and dark story, in fact, the game is made in baby style. You can play as boy and girl. The name for them you can recruit characters from the phonetic table in the beginning of the game. And especially for gamers from the land of the rising sun by the developers was courtesy known to every yaponisty table "of gojuon", from which you can enter your name in hiragana. Panache sprites and character portraits especially children with some elements of anime. To move you gradually from level to level in the big old map of the magical Kingdom (for it is 5+!), to fast which implemented even scrolling and zoom. To select the next place (game level) need to near the village or area fire signature characters, then you need to click the mouse button. The most important choice you will always have a lock Santa Cruz (聖克魯茲城). There you have to attend an audience with the king: he will talk about the upcoming mission and give you a PEP talk. Also in the beginning of the game you will need to visit the shop where you can stock up on items or drugs. Definitely need to visit school classes and a master class on the use of weapons. Well before a long hike to go to the Inn and at a local drinking establishment – it's really quite sacred! And only after this you can safely go in the path finding on the map the next point dangerous route nearby to the South of the castle.

At each new point, you will have another battle. Then everything is obscenely reminiscent of the imperishable Flame Dragon Knights series (FDK). Someone who... – is up to you, although it is, in principle, is not important. The only pleasant contrast to the FDK is the ability to use magic within the same turn immediately after the move is a direct attack. The very movement on the map – step-by-step, then in one turn, you are given the opportunity to use attack, item, or magic, but there is always one thing from this. The battle with the enemy soldiers, is a single exchange of blows or spells. The fight is graphically displayed almost similar FDK2 with only two options: life (生命) and magic (法術). In General, here and I want to repeat: "...we have already seen somewhere, in that we already played..." When you hover it displays the name or type of character, and the character of the surface of the selected area of the map is also displayed with an appropriate inscription (meadow, forest, road...). Opponents – a classic fantasy zoo: wild warriors in masks, magicians, animal-like forest giants, undead, dragons and other "animals". On the other hand, your unit can serve up to 12 friends. Everyone has their own name. There are girl fairies, there are young soldiers, and even the old military dwarf in a Viking helmet will help you. By the way, in your party, judging by the cover image of the game, will also be attended by representatives of small-eared elven Diaspora. If someone became ill, it is always possible to apply the magic potions and put the wounded man "in the system".

The graphics quality and contrast, as it should be games ported from consoles. The resolution is not quite standard – 360х240. As in FDK2, interface much constantly flickering animated buttons, so that the understanding of what you need to press, you will definitely be – fortunately, not everything here is the menu full of incomprehensible characters. The music is nice, and chords reminiscent of the bravura heroic melodies, so typical Asian RPG of this type.

The game is good in its thoughtful design, but the gameplay is trite copies a lot of other Taiwanese RPG-shek, which became thanks to its simplicity popular even outside of Asia. Although, maybe someone from the fans and will appeal to game mechanics "à la FDK", but implemented already on a scene basis. The Chinese language here is not a hindrance, because, as has already been proven, RPG with this type of gameplay is easily mastered by the players, does not have any knowledge of hieroglyphics. And therefore... we highly recommend you this piece of the Asian gaming culture for an optional review...

Have you ever wondered what kind of video games were played in the good old days? Try playing Dragon Force online now and we are sure you will not stop playing again.


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