Dos International Ninja Rabbits DOS front cover

International Ninja Rabbits

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5.0 /5
Ninja Rabbits is a side scrolling beat 'em up released in the UK on multiple platforms.

Having saved the day by destroying a chemical plant in Ninja Rabbits, Bugs must now travel the world and destroy several more chemical plants to save the environment from pollution. To get to each plant our hero must walk from left to right on a scrolling side view game. Bugs doesn’t just have to travel above ground but has the option in various places to go underground as well. Play International Ninja Rabbits online!

The baddies appear from the right and using various moves, punch, kick or swing his stick, our hero can defeat the baddies. The baddies can fight back and if they hit you then your damage meter (in the shape of a carrot) will get smaller before it disappears and you lose a life.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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