Dos Krusty's Super Fun House DOS front cover

Krusty’s Super Fun House

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5.0 /5
A puzzle strategy game in the Lemmings mold featuring characters from The Simpsons. Help Krusty rid himself of a rat infestation.

Krusty the Clown’s Fun House has been overrun by rats. You must help him to herd the rats into trap machines to clear them out. In order to do so, Krusty must manipulate his environment to set up pathways so that the rats are headed in the right direction. Play Krusty’s Super Fun House online!

Objects that Krusty move around include blocks, fans, and pipe pieces.

The trap machines are operated by other recognizable Simpsons characters: Bart, Homer, Sideshow Mel, and Corporal Punishment.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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