Similar to WizKid or Soccer Kid, here you control a little kid as he makes his way through dozens of weird and wacky landscapes. Similar to Super Mario games, you stomp on enemies to get rid of them, and collect bonus items for higher score. Also, you don't need to kill all the enemies to win - only to finish each level. Unfortunately, neither game is half as fun as Super Mario. T
The sequel to Nicky Boom; this time Nicky must find out who has been removing ladders and blocking off caves in his homeland. The gameplay is essentially platform, with multi-directional maze-like levels. Play Nicky 2 online!
Beating the obstructions requires occasional brainwork – hidden ladders are easy enough to uncover, and there are lots of hidden sections to look for. The levels are colourful, and the game has a cute look making it appear suited to younger players. Mirrors are placed around the levels, which transport you to a random place.