In 1989 Namco Limited released Super Pac-Man, a very interesting Action game. Play it online by clicking here.
Super Pac-Man description
As rightly said in one of the reviews is "Pac-Man on steroids," and in all senses. To talk about who is Pac-Man, we will not still know all this, but who knows – he should instantly raise their cultural level by any known method. If, however, briefly to say about our hero at least something, it is a largemouth spherical eater that loves to eat dots.
But time has passed, and diet of the points has ceased to meet the already grown up (that will be visible in the game) insatiable bun – now give him apples, bananas, eggs, burgers... But that is not enough, and soon in the course of going shoes, cups, bells and just a lot of all kinds of edible and inedible things. But the better (for Pac-Man', of course) the thing is, the usually more difficult to produce, because much is hidden behind closed doors. The method of opening doors is very simple – you need to eat (food is the solution to all problems!) everyone gets a key to a door he was closest and open.
Start Level 1 Pac-Man navigating the maze... It's Super Pac-Man! You can eat ghosts when they've changed color Eat keys to unlock parts of the maze
The ghosts are still eager to prevent the bun to get enough of, and measures against them are still the same as before; if all life (and there are several) are lost, the game ends, although it is now possible to eat ghosts in that moment, when they change color, as there are secret passageways in a relatively safe part of the maze.
There are two kinds of special bonuses (they have to eat too, but they serve for specific purposes): green and yellow balls. Yellow balls just make the ghosts temporarily (a few seconds) to change color (blue), at this point in their career. Green fanned bun at a time, allowing you to fly over the ghosts and even to open one door on the ball without finding the key. There is also a super bonus in the form of a star, sometimes appearing in the middle of a maze - if you have time to eat it, it will give a lot of points. Finally, in the game there are bonus levels that they can estimate the size of the new Pac-Man ' in full. However, his task here is simply to eat more for only a limited period of time, no haunting ghosts here anymore.
Graphically, the game looks very nice for its genre – indeed, "nothing in excess". Of course, no definition of drawing, bright diversity, or the beauty that we shall see later in CD-Man, not here, but the heart once it started working this picture is almost nicer. The verdict is not necessary, because, as the original game is already the most that neither is a classic.
Enjoy playing Super Pac-Man online, it can be played on your browser and is free.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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