Dos Achtung, Die Kurve! DOS front cover

Achtung, Die Kurve!

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5.0 /5
Action MS-DOS game similar to Červii.

This is a curious game that plays like a multi player version of the well known game Snake, which looks and plays very similar to Červii. Like in Snake, you control a “snake” that continuously grows, the object being to stay alive for as long as possible. Play Achtung, Die Kurve! online!

However unlike Snake, this is by default a multi player game, the object here is to stay in contention the longest. Running into yourself, another players snake, or going out of bounds ends your turn. Players are given points based on how long they last.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
Game Genre
Game Perspective
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