
Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud

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Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1992 and a must-play for all video game lovers.

Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud description

The first release of a collection of casual games "Coffee Break Series" from the American Villa Crespo Software, with a detailed history of which can be found in the issue of "Old Games" for 2017. Should there be any doubt that the pilot project was devoted to the well-known for the company the subject of gambling, appeared under the names of the masters of this sport, in this case Texan Thomas Preston (aka "Amarillo slim"), the poker champion of the era of the 1970s. However, in addition to the photos on the cover, the user guide and on the masthead of a local celebrity, nothing more in the development of the game his name was not mentioned, almost all aspects of the creation of "Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud" answered John Como.

The most notable is that despite the budget positioning of the "Coffee Break Series: Volume 1" its customers have at their disposal almost a full game, cropped solely in terms of the range of forms of poker – which for newcomers in card competitions would still be rather redundant. As casual entertainment for the uninitiated, the game is very friendly to the inexperienced user. The rules are explained in detail in the manuals of three types: paper (brief and rather technical), electronic (more meaningful made on diskette in text format, but traditionally are available on our website for separate download) and "online" (in the terminology of those years, that is built-into the game – press F1 on any game screen conveniently displays detailed help about everything on this screen, mapping); schedule, despite the wide variety of colors palette and lack of fine arts, nice, large and clear (in the modes of EGA and VGA resolutions 640х350 – CGA and monochrome Hercules though supported, but are not preferred). Sounding in the title menu, the melody is limited to just two clock cycles, and therefore hardly deserves praise – but here there is a real electronic "voice" of the actions of the players, playing even through to a pain native PC Speaker (though for some reason, of a technical nature to fully enjoy the sound through Sound Blaster / Ad Lib only the owners of the old PC with crystal clear DOS).

At the beginning of the game you can customize not only sound – including the choice of a male or female voice for the protagonist, but the sizes of the bets, the source of the money stock, etc., and most importantly – self-assign from one to seven computer opponents from fifteen candidates, we offer three levels of skill, "casual", "medium" and "strong" (human player in any case, here only one: the lack of multiplayer is unlikely to blame the product of this genre and of this year). The task of each of the animate or electronic participants of the competition is to draw up a set of cards in their hand, so that the number of points collected combinations were superior to such opponents. For example, cards two identical categories, but different suits form a "pair"; three cards of the same rank together with two cards of another, but also of the same rank, is more valuable "full house," and so on: a complete list of combinations and their hierarchy can be found in-game help or electronic user manual.

As you can guess by the title, "Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud" is one of the varieties of American poker – the so-called "seven card stud". In the beginning of the round, each player makes an initial contribution to the "common pot" and gets two closed cards (visible only to their owner) and one "open" (publicly available). At this stage you can select the option "Fold" ("Fold"), abandoning the fight in the measure of objective awareness weaknesses assembled combination (or lack thereof), – otherwise, you will need to either confirm their continued participation in the game ("Check"), or raise (Bet / Raise), or make the increase itself one of the opponents ("Call"). After all playing in favor, they get second, third, fourth and fifth cards open: after each hand, the selection procedure each participant further line of action is repeated, this time after a more detailed analysis of maps, prominent in the hands of neighbors; the current card is out of the game, but does not risk any more money. When will be dealt a fifth of the additional cards, all those who are left, will show its full hand of seven names and the winner is, who collected the most advantageous combination, you'll get all standing on the stake sum of money.

After each round, you can exit the game, saving your progress for future program startup, or finally taking the rest (or happily won) amount, capturing the result in the table of records. Besides this last feature "Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud" and other available during the competition facilities, such as view statistics on number of combinations, counting odds with existing us cards, and most importantly – a built-in assistant-tutor, who can always ask advice on their future actions (or to enable persistent display of such recommendations on the screen).

In the result it is hardly an exaggeration to summarize that we have before us one of the best computer incarnations of poker, especially for beginners in this sport: bright, affordable, convenient. To pass by is that unless the recognized experts in the field of casino card games – and even then, probably only in the direction of a more functional version of the same game, "Amarillo Slim Dealer's Choice".

Do you want to relive your memories and play Amarillo Slim 7 Card Stud online in your browser? Play it now for free.


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