Bubble Dizzy is an arcade style action video game developed by the Oliver Twins and published in 1993 by Codemasters for the MS-DOS. Play Bubble Dizzy online!
Bubble Dizzy game description
Bubble Dizzy eschews the usual arcade adventure format of Dizzy games, instead being a simple action game.
The game involves Dizzy being forced to walk the plank of a pirate ship and from the sea bed use bubbles to float back to the surface and dry land. Like Dizzy Down the Rapids, this game derived from a mini-game found in The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy.
You must guide Dizzy through the underwater worlds, collecting pearls as you go. Dizzy starts at the bottom of the sea, and you have to get him to the top. You do this by jumping across bubbles, which only have a limited time before bursting. Enemies to avoid include sharks, octopuses and swordfish. Dizzy has limited oxygen, but more can be collected from O2 canisters.
After completing a level, you get a bonus for the amount of pearls you collected and the amount of oxygen you have left.
Play Bubble Dizzy online
You can play Bubble Dizzy online here, in web browser for free!
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