Dos The Godfather: The Action Game DOS front cover

The Godfather: The Action Game

Click here to play The Godfather: The Action Game online
5.0 /5
"You don't ask for power....You take it!"

Following the movie series (and released in conjunction with The Godfather III)- work your way up the Corleone family ladder over the span of 50 years, and attempt to destroy the rival families. Play The Godfather: The Action Game online!

A walk-n-shoot game; each of the five levels represents a decade from the 1940s to the 1980s. Shooting rivals increases your standing, while shooting innocent people lowers it.

Each level also provides the opportunity for shootouts, a reflex-testing mini-game that requires you to kill people who draw their guns as quickly as possible, while not killing those that don’t draw their guns.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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