4.7 /5

Accolade, Inc. developed a DOS game in the year 1989 called TKO. In the video game ranking, this game ruled the charts for a very long time. You can now play it again online by clicking here.

TKO description

Boxing simulation, and first – formal-Boxing, when in fact just the career element of the game is very weak.

The game starts with a choice and, if permitted so to say, create your own character: there are a large number of characteristics, which should be properly distributed. The perfect fighter cannot be created: for example, the more force, less speed, and if one shot is better then the other will never be executed so masterfully. Also, every boxer is different appearance (skin color, hair, eyes, shape of lips), but this, of course, does not affect. Of course, the rounds are limited in time.

The main interesting point in the game is that the view of it from the first person (hardly the first such game), while you simultaneously look into the eyes of both boxers: the screen is divided into two parts by the horizontal line in the upper part of your opponent are shown at the bottom – you. If you need a successful strike, you can simultaneously see how your boxer punches, and the opponent receives it. Other features – the presence in the right part of the screen to the small screen with views of the boxers from the top (so you can monitor how far each of the players is from the edges of the ring), "wheel of life" each and appear on the faces of marks obtained bumps – bruises, abrasions and so on.

From the point of view of graphics the game looks good, although the first person and creates a certain minimalism: after all, the screens in front of you only the head and upper torso two opponents (drawn very cool) and ropes on the edges of the ring. Verdict – very interesting simulator of Boxing is most likely not the most advanced in terms of realism, but certainly one of the most original implementations.

Now, play TKO online for free on your browser and make your boring weekend fun and full of entertainment.


Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

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