Dos Wing Commander: Armada DOS front cover

Wing Commander: Armada

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5.0 /5
Space action and strategy.

Wing Commander: Armada is a strategy and space simulation game base upon the popular Wing Commander Universe. This game sees you in command of either the Terran or Kilrathi empires in a bid to conquer a sector of space. This game provided 2 distinct modes of play with Armada being entirely tactically based and a far easier quick play method much like the mission creation facilities of Chuck Yegar’s Air Combat of 5 years previous. Play Wing Commander: Armada online!

This game also featured multi-player support both in Quick play and Armada modes. The game could be played either in split-screen, network, serial or modem modes and was one of the first multi-player 3D space sims.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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