Dos Empire Soccer 94 DOS front cover

Empire Soccer 94

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5.0 /5
Empire Soccer 94 is the PC version of the coin-up arcade game from 1984.

Rather than copying Sensible Soccer or Kick Off, this football game features a number of comical and unrealistic touches. Although the view is top-down, the pitch is small and square, and the players appear huge on it. Play Empire Soccer 94 online!

A range of moves including overhead kicks, trapping the ball and quick 1-2 passes can be mastered.

Before each match your team can choose special moves to assign to each player – power shots with ludicrous curve, super dribbling (making the ball stick to your foot), and a Barge power to push players out of the way. A full world cup tournament is offered, which up to 8 human players can partake in, as well as single exhibition matches. The action replays feature a VCR-style control.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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