
Jurassic Chess

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A DOS game was developed by T-Time and then released by T-Time in 1994, the game was called Jurassic Chess. Now you can relive the memories by playing it online here.

Jurassic Chess description

The Taiwanese company T-Time well-proven in the market gaming products throughout the period of the 90-ies of the last century. In addition to strategy and arcade developers this company is not left without attention and the genre of logic games. In 1994 they released an interesting version of the popular Chinese Board games, but executed in a somewhat unusual entourage...

China gave the world not only ancient literature, but also in his own original Board games. Many have heard about the Chinese logical games: the Mahjong and Chinese chess Xiangqi (象棋). But there is another kind of these chess – Bangzi (半棋), or so-called "Blind chess" or "Chess is blind" (暗棋). What is "Chess is blind"? So, there is a 8x4 Board. The whole area of the Board is filled with upside down chips of chess (and they in the conventional sense technically implemented as our checkers, only with characters). Alternately, players reveal a face-down pieces and then pieces destroyed each other, if they are available close to the radius of a single turn of the figure. The player who cannot make a move. All figures taken from classical Chinese chess: cannon, soldier, horse carriage, elephant, Minister and General. It's understandable, but what is the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era?..

Here's the answer. Game surrounded by dinosaurs turn out to be extremely interesting. In the same 1994, the developers of King Formation has also released a gaming product, completely devoted to the subject of dinosaurs. Was that a turn-based game Dinosaurs Century and looked similar realization just fine. In the game of Jurassic Chess along with the classic display Board you can include an alternative rendering of the figures in the form of dinosaurs, of course, with their biological "formation", the relevant seniority of classic shapes, and it in addition was implemented in isometric 3D. Closed chess pieces on the Board in this variant displayed the same eggs. The developers of our psyche has been spared, and bloody Mesozoic mutual feeding frenzy of the patterns we see. Instead, the lost shapes is implemented dramatic escape from the battle – field- vypilivaya à la "the backside" from the Board. Player funny depicted in this game as a representative of a Neanderthal race, which is somewhat contrary to geological data, but it is better to sacrifice some scientific views, than to get a bad gaming product...

The game's graphics are done in 640x480 resolution that 1994 was a very pleasant moment. The quality of the interface elements at the maximum level, and this is typical of T-Time. Many buttons and menu items in games from this manufacturer are very similar quality and performance. Despite the fact that the game is made in the traditional Chinese language, difficulties with understanding arise. Often characters are duplicated or pictogrammen or English. In fact, the player needs to only learn a number of characters – names of shapes-reduction of seniority: (帥,仕,相,俥,傌,兵,炮) is a General, Minister, elephant, carriage, horse, cannon and soldier. For black pieces traditionally used other alternative characters are also in order (將,士,象,車,馬,卒,砲) and they are more geograficheskie close in meaning to their transfer to the Russian equivalents. In the main menu only three points: the output, tournament and practice. In the tournament you will be a new evolutionary revelation – it turns out that the dinosaurs were intelligent! And you have to play party with the best grandmasters, with representatives of several intelligent species (or rather peoples) dinosaurs. Just look at the standings to understand the magnitude of such "inter-ethnic" meetings this battle of wits. And at the end of the tournament the winner, of course, reward. In the final comic, the picture shows your intellectual Neanderthal, roasting on a spit dinosaur (!), in the company of attractive human females, whose fashionable outdoor swimsuit is not linked to prehistoric times. Here's a game!

Wish to enjoy your afternoon playing some classic videogames? Play Jurassic Chess online for free here.


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