Do you want to relive your good old memories? Play MegaRace 2 again, it’s a perfect DOS game launched in 1996 and a must-play for all video game lovers.
MegaRace 2 description
MegaRace 2 belongs to the genre of "race to the bottom" is insane and the least mad of the original MegaRace, created in 1993 by the company Cryo Interactive.
So, what has changed over the past 3 years and what we please continue the game? First of all, pretty much changed the graphics component. Unlike the first part, the game engine has undergone significant improvements. In the first part of the whole sprite, but the trails made by FMV technology (in short, the technology of Full Motion Video is a looped video prerendering three-dimensional graphics. It's like the rides at Disneyland: you are sitting in a swinging chair, a track like "moves" on you, and creates the effect of motion). In the second part of the developers decided to add a little 3D, and it was really good. The perfect combination of amazing FMV tracks and rough, uncouth, but terribly cute car, made in full 3D. The picture pleases the eye throughout the race and may not appeal only to the most inveterate skeptic.
Second global contrast to the first part - a complete change in the concept of the game. If the first part can be described as "arcade/racing" then the second part, "racing/arcade". What is the difference? And the difference here in what! In the original, the player's task was to destroy all opponents within the time allotted in 3 rounds. In fact - it's not a race, and "extermination of opponents for a certain period of time." The element of competition was absent at all - you just shot the car in front. In Megarace 2 you and your opponents start on equal footing and start at the same time. As before, you can destroy the opponents using various weapons like missiles or mines, but now your main task is to finish first at any cost. Thus, you have the option to either go fast, going round opponents and using the shortest routes, or to shoot and RAM them, thus obtaining the advantage. In my opinion, is the most significant change in the second part. And for the better.
Fortunately, despite the impressive changes, the game is still the same cheerful and hurricane arcade. The machine does not have any zones, there is no physics at all - indeed, despite the brand new 3D car game, in fact, is the old 2D gonochki. As before, you need to constantly drive forward along narrow tracks where you can hardly disperse two cars, and, of course, in such situations you need to do everything to pin the opponent to the side and leave it far behind.
As I mentioned, the racing tracks are created using FMV technology. This moment is simply impossible to ignore. Tracks abound with a variety of bends, climbs and descents, riding on them leaves an impression no worse than from the trip attraction of "Super 8". A long climb on a high mountain, and then a quick descent with a rapid acceleration in such moments is simply breathtaking. And considering that back someone is always trying to shoot you...
The combat system is virtually unchanged since the first part. Still we have rockets, mines and oil. However, now the money will have to repair the car between races and restock missiles. The race itself has become longer: apart from the fact that the number of circles increased from three to six, so each race is now a tournament with your rules. Now the winner is determined by total number of points scored in all three races. Racing rules may change: for example, if during the race was destroyed by half (well, most) participants may not be able to use the weapon, however, the RAM use no bans, so the way to play "dirty" is still there. The race itself though, and are longer, but no simpler. Throughout the race not feeling of persecution. Because there is no way to look back (a slight drawback of the FMV, alas), at any time may pop out from behind the speeder and try to take your place; sometimes, it should be noted, he succeeds. In General, Artificial Intelligence is not pumped up, the race was very interesting and very exciting.
Dynamics of the situation also adds a camera watching your car. Well, not exactly - because you don't race, you participate in a TV Show! The camera follows you, but is not attached to the car "hard" - thus, your machine can be on the right side, and left the enemy with which you at this time are waging a fierce struggle for first place and the camera as if watching the fight. The effect looks as if you actually watched the race on TV. It's funny that if your car stops, the camera will observe it from a static point and switch to "witness" only when you gain enough speed. Well, the final touch to this fun adds music. The music in the game are variations on the theme of "techno" and despite the original sound, does not interfere with play, even on the contrary - spurred to aggressive action on the road.
And, of course, the sequel would not be possible if not for lance Boyle. The legendary host of a talk show called "Megarace 2" on channel VWBT. This time his hard work will help him a charming assistant Lucilda. Now all the different jokes will lead to "chipping" on a few. Of course, the character names, the name of the talk show and TV channel is the invention of the developers, but the actors are so wonderful that I want to believe that this show has somewhere to exist. Everything that happens on the screen they are going to play with a certain touch of pathos, and in addition the actors say with a funny voice that makes watching a talk show even more fun.
Without fear and without regrets I can say only one thing - the game turned out just great! Infrequently I've played in similar games. Megarace 2 was one of the brilliant examples of how a simple idea combined with an excellent implementation can exceed the quality of the game, contains a lot of bells and whistles, a bunch of weapons and different special effects. The developers of Cryo Interactive has bet on simplicity and quality, and they are not lost. The game is not annoying and fun. In General, the show got what you need!
Play your favorite childhood game MegaRace 2 online in your browser for free here.
Source: Archive.org, Mobygames.com
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