
Summer Challenge

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3.3 /5

Play Summer Challenge, a very interesting Action game, developed by Accolade, Inc. in the year 1992 online on your browser right now.

Summer Challenge description

Whether you love to throw the javelin? No, really? And jump height? You like, with a pole, or manage themselves? What about going on track? Then you chose the right game.

The summer Olympic Games will welcome its Champions! The notorious firm Accolade, releasing the first winter, now shows us summer sports (except gaming, about them go to EA Sports).

In this game you can feel like a Bubka, Isinbayeva, Angelo Taylor, Ian Railways and even ride horses. Of course, this is an old game, there is nothing to speak about. But still in comparison with future DIY it is much more fun. Licenses, of course not. But why should they? Choose your favorite country, any person, gather your friends and go to the competition!

The control in this game, like in winter sports, intuitive - move the arrows, the first active action - enter, and the second gap.

To tell about this game useless. Sports simulator - it is. But here's a beer company so eight people, when the Stalker already weary, Kwaku prepagada, the Characters boring, and Dangerous Dave has consistently failed to reach the last boss - sportski it. And most importantly, how pleasant in winter, degrees so minus thirty, to run and throw a spear the hell away! And now a new Olympic record already belongs to you.

The game has no plot, makes no sense. There is only all alone of his Majesty GAMEPLAY.

Play, gentlemen! Find out: who is Faster, Higher and Stronger?

Do you want to play Summer Challenge online, in your browser? Now you can. Click here to play Summer Challenge online.


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