Dos Knights of the Sky DOS front cover
4.2 /5
A fun World War 1flight sim from one of the most respected flight sim developers-- this game's strength lies in its dizzying array of planes you can fly and good graphics (for its time). The campaign mode, sadly, cannot be compared to the venerable Red Baron, but is still interesting nonetheless.

Knights of the Sky is a World War I flight combat sim where you pilot one of 20 different aircraft (each handles differently) as you engage in simple missions or join a full campaign where you will progress through World War I, going on a variety of missions, patrols, and even encounter enemy aces. Play Knights of the Sky online!

You can engage balloons and blimps, enemy fighters and bombers, even strafe group targets such as supply trains. If you do really good in the game, one of the enemy aces may drop a note to challenge you to an aerial duel.

A unique feature of the game is the capability of modem link so you can challenge fellow modem owners to dogfights, something that none of its contemporaries had.

Rating breakdown
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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