Frantis and Frantis: Mission II are two decent freeware action games with banal save-the-world-from-alien plots, but passable gameplay and graphics.
Frantis: Mission II is a side-scrolling platform game which continues the story of MegaDestroyer Frantis. As the main character’s craft is shot down over planet Rakbet IV he bails out in an escape pod and lands right in an underground enemy base. Play Frantis: Mission II online!
He must now continue his mission on foot, proceeding deeper into the complex in order to destroy it from the inside.
Typical for the genre, the gameplay of Frantis: Mission II consists of navigating two-dimensional levels, collecting powerups, keycards and fighting various enemies. It is possible to buy powerups in terminals that can be sometimes find in the levels. The game only has a single-player mode.